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All your orders in one system

Order-Catch collects all your online orders and forwards them to your point of sale. Multiple tablets and typing over orders will belong to the past. Save time and eliminate errors by working with Order-Catch.

No more need for different tablets

Because of the direct links that Order-Catch has with the online order platforms, you no longer have to use the various tablets in your restaurant. Your counter will once again be a place where work takes place, different tablets don't belong there.

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All your orders in your cash register straight away

All online orders are immediately dispatched to your cash system. Avoid mistakes retyping orders. and save a lot of time as well. This allows you, or your personnel, to free up 136 hours per year. In this way, you will have quickly recouped the cost of Order-Catch. Time is money, but money is not time. Don't forget: time is your most valuable possession.
Formula (30 orders per day, 45 sec input, 365 days per year)

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Central management of your menu

By clever links with the order platforms, you only have to manage your menu in one respect. Order-Catch informs the platforms about the changes. Typing countless emails introducing a new product belongs to the past. When there are differences in the range in your (franchise) establishments, this is also centrally managed.

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Your own sales channels

Are orders also coming in by other means? Takeaway orders via your own web site, a KIOSK system or an application for your waiters to take orders? Order-Catch can also collect these orders and send them on to your cash register.

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"All your online orders printed straight away on one printer"

More orders and turnover for your restaurant! Multiple tablets on your counter? All in the past with Ordercatch

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Allow your turnover figures to grow with Ordercatch!

New order platforms are regularly popping up Ordercatch will ensure as quickly as possible for integration so that you don't have to miss a single order. Be informed by Ordercatch about new opportunities and, where possible, generate extra turnover and customers

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Extra turnover and higher efficiency within your business.

1. Have extra turnover easily flow into your restaurant without extra tablets OrderCatch pools all orders for you on one tablet, and also sends these to your POS system.
2. All receipts look the same and even include your own logo
3. Allow your business to grow OrderCatch makes data comprehensible and understandable so that you stand out from the competition.
4. Outstanding support, 7 days per week. By people in the business, who understand your business.

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The meal delivery world is changing quickly How will your organisation deal with this?

Having meals delivered is becoming increasingly popular. This brings accompanying challenges, but also offers good opportunities to generate extra turnover. Large and small delivery platforms bring your orders. OrderCatch helps you to not miss a single order and to be linked to all platforms. Without it costing you extra work. You can once again focus on what you wish to, making customers happy with your culinary creations!